
Through direct legal help and statewide advocacy, the Michigan Advocacy Program provides access to the justice system for those who need it the most.

The Michigan Advocacy Program’s direct service components are:

  • Legal Services of South Central Michigan(link is external) – LSSCM provides free civil legal advice and representation to low-income and senior citizens of Barry, Branch, Calhoun, Clinton, Eaton, Hillsdale, Ingham, Jackson, Lenawee, Livingston, Monroe, Shiawassee, and Washtenaw Counties. LSSCM also provides legal services to senior citizens of St. Joseph County.

  • Farmworker Legal Services(link is external) – FLS provides free legal assistance and referrals to migrant and seasonal farmworkers throughout the state of Michigan.

The Michigan Advocacy Program also provides administrative services to a number of independent statewide programs(link is external):