Board members may be contacted through the Michigan Advocacy Program.
B. Daniel Inquilla
Board Member
Mr. Inquilla is a principal at Inquilla Law, an immigration specialty firm located in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Prior to going into private practice, Mr. Inquilla was a staff attorney and then a managing attorney in MAP's Farmworker Legal Services program.
Brad Brelinski
Board Member
Mr. Brelinski was appointed by the Jackson County Bar Association. He is a partner in Curtis, Curtis, and Brelinski, a 100-year-old Jackson firm and a past president of the Jackson County Bar Association. He has been involved in providing legal services to the poor since serving as a board member of the Free Legal Aid Clinic when he was in law school.
Carol Recher
Board Member
Ms. Recher was appointed by the MAP Board. She previously worked as an Administrative Assistant at the Battle Creek VA Medical Center until retirement in 2010. She is currently involved with advocacy in the LGBTQ+ community, and volunteers with Battle Creek Pride.
Charles Borgsdorf
Board Member
Mr. Borgsdorf was appointed by the Washtenaw County Bar Association. Mr. Borgsdorf is a partner with Hooper, Hathaway, Price, Beuche & Wallace, P.C. In 1987, he was one of the founders of Friends of Legal Aid –an informal organization that has raised over $1 million for LSSCM. Mr. Borgsdorf continues to serve on the FOLA steering committee.
Charo Ledon
Vice President
Ms. Ledon is a former LSSCM client and a long-term Board member. Ms. Ledon was appointed by Casa Latina. Ms. Ledon works with Acción Buenos Latinos, an immigration assistance organization and also works as a translator in the Michigan Court System.
Delphia Simpson
Ms. Simpson was appointed by the Washtenaw County Bar Association. Ms. Simpson is the Washtenaw County Public Defender, after having served as the Managing Attorney there for many years. She was formerly the primary family law specialist with the Michigan Poverty Law Program and also was a Racial Justice Attorney with the ACLU. Ms. Simpson is a past-president of the Washtenaw County Bar Association a Board Member of the Fair Housing Center of Southeast and Central Michigan, and a Board Member of the Ann Arbor NAACP.
Donna Green
Board Member
Donna Green was appointed by the MAP Board. Bio coming soon ...
Gloria Trevino
Board Member
Gloria Trevino was appointed by the MAP Board. Bio coming soon ...
Jacquelyn A. Dupler
Jackie is an attorney in the family law division of Sinas Dramis law firm in Lansing. Before joining the firm, Jackie clerked for a judge in the Ingham County Circuit Court Family Law Division. Jackie is a double graduate of Michigan State University (B.A. and J.D.).
Jazmin Moron
Board Member
Jazmine Moron was appointed by the MAP board. Bio coming soon...
Katherine Sharkey
Board Member
Katherine Sharkey is in private practice at Kitchen Sharkey, PLLC, specializing in family law. She started her career as a child welfare case worker in Chicago before going to law school. She worked as a staff attorney at Cabrini Green Legal Aid before moving to Ann Arbor, when she joined Legal Services of South Central Michigan. She is the president of the Washtenaw County Bar Association Board Association.
Kellie Podolsky
Board Member
Kellie Podolsky was appointed by the Calhoun County Bar Association. Bio coming soon ...
Kent Bieberich
Board Member
Mr. Bieberich was appointed by the Calhoun County Bar Association. Mr Bieberich is a partner at Steffel & Steffel in Battle Creek. Mr. Bieberich focuses his practice on civil and commercial litigation. Mr. Bieberich is active in bar association activities, including Past President of the Calhoun County Bar Association and past State Bar Representative Assembly member. Mr. Bieberich has participated on LSSCM’s pro bono panel for several years.
Kurt E. Krause
Board Member
Kurt E. Krause was appointed by the Ingham County Bar Association. Bio coming soon...
Linda Rexer
Board Member
Linda Rexer was appointed by the Washtenaw County Bar Association. Bio coming soon ...
Mary Kay Scullion
Board Member
Ms. Scullion was appointed by the Ingham County Bar Association. Ms. Scullion is an adjunct professor at MSU College of Law and faculty at Lansing Community College. Ms. Scullion served with the Michigan House of Representatives for more than 30 years with her most recent positions including Clerk of the House, Assistant Clerk Parliamentarian, and House Democratic legal counsel.
Reshma Sambare
Board Member
Ms. Sambare was appointed by the Ingham County Bar Association. Reshma is a Senior Attorney at the Lansing office of Miller Canfield with a focus on commercial transactions. She is an active pro bono attorney with the Michigan Immigrant Rights Center. She serves on many boards and has focused her efforts on women empowerment, immigrant rights and domestic violence issues.
Rob Mossel
Mr. Mossel is an attorney in the Ford Motor Company General Counsel office. At Ford, he has been active in pro bono work for many years, including acting as Ford's pro bono coordinator for several years. In 2013, Rob was awarded the State Bar of Michigan John W. Cummiskey Award for his pro bono work.
Sharda Taylor
Board Member
Sharda Taylor was appointed by the MAP Board. Bio coming soon...
Vanina Gilmore
Board Member
Vanina Gilmore was appointed by the MAP Board. Bio coming soon ...
William Godfroy
Board Member
Mr. Godfroy was appointed by the Monroe County Bar Association and is a principal at the law firm of Godfroy Wetzel & Horkey, PLC. Mr. Godfroy’s primary practice areas are criminal and domestic relations law. Mr. Godfroy received the Monroe County Pro Bono Award in 2007.